
Year of release : 2022


Run time : 1h34min


Genre : Thriller / Horror / Paranormal


Cast : Zac Efron



The movie is based on Stephen King's 1980 novel of the same name, and a remake of the 1984 Drew Barrymore movie.


A couple who participated in a medical experiment by a secret government entity, The Shop, who have certain special powers, like mind control and moving objects, have a child with special abilities.


They flee the organization as they try to find and kidnap their little girl for her unique skills .


The couple lives without cell phones and wi fi, afraid the organization might find them, and use them,but especially their daughter,as a lab rat.


The girl has problems with certain boys at school, who pick on her, and she can't keep her abilities a secret anymore, as her emotions get the best of her.


The organization, who wants to use the girl's power to create and control fire, as a weapon, find them and send after them a mysterious operative with the ability to control people's minds.


The soundtrack was good, the acting was good, so were the visual effects. The movie is labeled horror,but it didn't feel like that to me. I personally really enjoyed it.


One thing I didn't like was SPOILER Charlie sees a cat who is afraid of her and scratches her, so she burns it. I thought that to be an extreme reaction coming from anyone. Imagine the rage one has to feel to burn a cat for scratching them! My sister's cat bit me,and I still didn't slap it, beat it,etc..I actually felt sorry for him because he was all alone( I take care of the cat when my sister is away, I call it catsit,'cause I spend a few hours with him daily until she comes back), and I thought he was lashing out.


Rating : Worth a watch !