For ever and ever

Language : Russian


Year of release : 2017


Run time : 1h21min


Genre : Mystery / Thriller



The movie starts with a red haired woman and her man,gathering wood. They are ambushed by a group of women who kill the man, and the red haired woman runs away to her escape.


Fast forward to a father and his daughter who don't quite get along. Coming home from school,where he teaches, he finds the red haired woman falling in the snow. He takes her home and calls the doctor.

Once she gets better, unwilling to let her go, he asks her to help him sort the books he has in his library.

Pretty soon, they get married,thing which upsets his daughter, to the point she hires someone to k!ll her.


The woman helps the man write a book he's been writing on for years, and he gets published, being a success. One interviewer interviews her too, thing she doesn't feel comfortable with, and thing which brings the same women she ran from,back into her life.


The attempt on her life fails, and the daughter is afraid of her stepmother, as they are alone in the house together, her father being away .


The movie is fast paced and doesn't bother telling the audience how long has it been between takes. Like, for example, we find out it's been a 100 years between the ambush and the lead finding her.


I honestly liked it, it kept me glued to my seat,as it had an original energetic vampire story.


The actors were good.

I don't think it had visual effects.


Rating : Worth a watch !