
Year of release : 2019


Run time : 1h40min


Genre : Mystery / Psychological Thriller


Cast : Sam Worthington, Lily Rabe



A couple is coming back from the wife's parents' place,arguing about her parents not liking him. Their daughter is in the backseat,listening to her favorite song. Her batteries die,and she needs to go to the bathroom.


They stop at the first pit stop on their way,and instead of buying her batteries,like he promised,he buys himself alcohol,although he's a recovering alcoholic.


His daughter wanders away from the car,and gets scared of a dog who just looks at her funny,walking backwards to a building site,and falling over.


The wife comes,screaming,and luckily,the kid is fine. They take her to the nearest hospital,as the kid broke her arm.

At the hospital they make them wait for a long time,and when they finally help,they take the wife and the kid for a cat scan,never to be seen again.


Our lead is sure the hospital kills people for their organs.


The movie has a twist at the end,which the first time I watched the movie I didn't enjoy,but last night,I actually liked it.


The actors were great,especially Sam Worthington who was amazing,I loved how he acted.

The soundtrack was good too.


Fractured is streaming on Netflix.


Rating : Worth a watch !