
Language : Russian


Year of release : 2016


Run time : 1h27min


Genre : Comedy


Cast : Danila Kozlovsky



The movie is called Friday due to the fact the action of the movie happening on a friday night. Most of the action takes place in a Moscow club which is celebrating its 4th anniversary.

Mikhail,who owns a shoe company with his mom,and who has a bit of a temper, takes a bet his friend makes,that he can make 1000 rubles in four hours in his club. Whoever loses wins the other one's car.


At the same time,we get to see three friends trying to catch a kangaroo,in a forest;

a young mother who wants to go to the club,leaves the baby home alone,and when she runs back,she realizes she is locked out of the house;

a wrestler who has a dispute with one of the waitresses of the club,

a cook for the club who can't speak Russian and tries to get a date from the Russian woman he loves;

a man who's colleagues don't want him at the same club with them;

and the club manager who's afraid to speak in public as he sees fire.


The movie has a few artists playing,towards the end even Danila Kozlovsky sings,and he has a beautiful voice.


The movie didn't bore me but I didn't like it that much either.

The acting was good,the actors speak fast,the translations were in English,so they went by very fast,most of the time with me wondering what did they say.


Rating : Could have been a contender !