
Year of release : 1940


Run time : 1h24min


Genre : Psychological Thriller



The movie is based on the 1938 thriller play, written by the British novelist and playwright Patrick Hamilton.


The British movie starts with the murder of an old woman. The house stays empty for many years, one of the characters who recognizes the lead says it was 20, but the guy doesn't look that old!

The house is bought by a young couple.

The man who worked the case of the murdered woman,20 years before, gets interested in the place and the couple,as he always suspected the nephew of the woman,and he believes it's him who moved into the house under a different name.


The man has a wife who supposedly forgets things and suffers from a sort of kleptomania,as the husband keeps on telling her she keeps on taking things which are never to be seen again.


We soon discover the husband plays mind tricks on the wife,taking things and hiding them,then lying to her she's the one taking them,trying to drive her mad. He's also hitting on the maid right in front of his wife, telling her the wife should be more like her,right in front of the wife! So he is already established as a toxic person,who doesn't like his wife,despises her and such,for if he loved her,he wouldn't have done such things.


The man who's onto him,is following him around,and finds out the house next door is also his,as he keeps on visiting it at night.


The husband annoyed me because of what he was doing to his wife,the wife annoyed me for being so frail and stupid to believe someone else over herself(how could she not know what was she doing?! This reminds me of when I was a kid and my grandparents thinking it was my fault for everything missing / misplaced or broken in their house,and I had no idea what they were talking about),the servant Nancy,annoyed me,for hitting on a married man,helping him with his schemes.


The movie was good,it had a good plot,and was fast paced.

I like to see how the world looked back then,I like the old houses with their interior design,they were so lavish! I loved to see the old horse buses, and the old lamps and chandeliers working on fuel.


Due to the fact it was an old movie, when it comes to the fighting scenes,the struggling,the can tell it's fake.


The actors were really good,I enjoyed their acting!


I didn't like the soundtrack,but the music played in the beginning,when the criminal is destroying the house, was good.


You can watch the full movie for free here


Rating : Worth a watch !