Gemini Man

Year of release : 2019


Run time : 1h57min


Genre : Action / Adventure / Thriller / Mystery / Sci- Fi


Cast : Will Smith, Clive Owen, Mary Elizabeth Winstead



The movie was written in 1997 by Darren Lemke and had actors like Harrison Ford, Sean Connery and Mel Gibson attached to the project.


Henry Brogan is a 51 year old Force Recon Marine Scout Sniper who works as a killer for the Defense Intelligence Agency. After his last mission, killing a bio-terrorist on a train to Belgium, he retires,as he's not as good as he used to be,aiming for the head and shooting the neck.


Going to see one of his friends, he spots the agent Danny, sent to monitor him,working as a boat rental. His friend tells him the man he killed on the train was innocent. Spying on him, director Lassiter and Clay Verris,director of a private military agency code named Gemini, decide to kill him.


The same night, Henry's home is broken into by government agents,and trying to warn his friends about it,he finds out they were all killed. He goes to Danny's house,and together fight the agents sent to kill them,getting the information they need from the last one they kill.


Another one of Henry's friends help them,taking them to his home in Colombia.


Next day in Colombia, Henry wakes his friends up as he sees an assassin. Shooting at each other,and Henry trying to run away from him, Henry sees him through his gun's lens,and stops,as he looks exactly like him!

After escaping the relentless man trying to kill him, Henry and his friends fly to Hungary,where they meet Yuri. Yuri tells Henry about the Gemini Project, a cloning project the man he killed left,as he was a scientist who found out about what his work was used for.


Danny tests Henry and the assassin's DNA,as she thinks the assassin is his son. The tests come back identical,meaning the man is his clone.


The three friends decide to ask the clone to meet and convince him to cross to their side.

In the meantime, Clay Verris raised this clone as his son, Junior,and is spewing lies in his ear.


The movie was action packed and didn't miss a beat, I was glued to the screen.

The movie was filmed in beautiful locations,so there's also that.


I loved the fight scenes ,although some happened very fast,they were so fast paced that I barely understood what happened.


The CGI was so an so,as Junior,the clone,or more like the clone's facial movements seemed robotic.


The actors were good.


I liked the soundtrack.


The movie is streaming on tbs, TNT, truTv, and is for rent / sale on Amazon, AppleTv, Google, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : It's so money!