Gerald's game

Year of release : 2017


Run time : 1h43min


Genre : Horror / Thriller


Cast : Carla Gugino, Bruce Greenwood



The movie is adapted from Stephen King's novel of the same name,published in 1992,which I read,and I liked how they translated it into a movie,as as I recall,the book didn't have much dialogue,and everything was just the leading character's thoughts,like a diary .


A couple trying to rekindle their relationship,come to their secluded summer house. Close to their house,the wife sees a stray dog,which she feels sorry for, and feeds with the 200 dollars steak the husband bought ( I never understood why in movies people always feed the animals raw meat. People actually do that? If you feed them raw meat they're gonna develop a taste for it,and they're gonna start eating your poultry,if you have any,or you. I know that ever since I can remember, from my grandparents who own a farm ).


Gerald wants to play bedroom games ,and although he can't rise up to the occasion ( wink),that doesn't stop him from taking blue pills ( if you catch my drift).


The wife,although she doesn't want to,goes along. The husband has the amazing idea of tying her up, with handcuffs, to the bed. He seems to have a darker side she didn't know about and that puts her off.

As they are fighting,Gerald has a heart attack,and dies. Leaving Jessie,the wife,handcuffed to the bed.


At first she is in denial and thinks he's gonna come to his senses. Then she sees the blood staining the floor coming from his head wound.

Because they left the front door open ( who does that? Honestly,they left it open,not unlocked,wide open!),the dog she fed comes in,and starts feasting on her husband's dead body.


Jessie is starting to hallucinate and starts seeing her husband first,talking to her,then herself. In the book these were her thoughts ,as I recall, in here they made her go crazy. These two characters in her head,are the voices of her reason,her ideas,said out loud.


This situation she's in,makes her mind wander into the past,when she was 12,when while watching the eclipse, her father did something to her. I remember from the book how she was thinking something along the lines of " I'm not gonna let you steal my sunshine" .


This makes her analyze the relationship she had with her husband and come to terms that she was always in denial. About her father, about her husband.


At night,she thinks she saw a strange looking man in the bedroom,staring at her.


As she wakes up in pain,from being tied up for so long,she sees a human footprint,next to the dog prints ( the dog which woke her up as he was trying to eat her leg).


Jessie realizes she needs to think of ways to release herself,for no one is coming to rescue her.


The actors were great,Carla ( one of my favorites since 2002,if I'm not mistaken ) gave a great performance.


The visual effects were good.


The soundtrack was good.


Viewer discretion is advised,as the movie contains mature content.


The movie is a Netflix production,and can be found on the platform.


Rating : Worth a watch !