Ghostbusters Afterlife

Year of release : 2021


Run time : 2h4min


Genre : Action / Horror


Cast : Paul Rudd, Finn Wolfhard



This is the second revival of the 1984 blockbuster Ghostbusters.


The movie starts with this man,always filmed in the shadows,from angles from which you can't see his face. He is fighting a ghost,but fails to entrap it.


Everything fades and after the credits with the title we are in the life of this single mother and her two kids. The landlord evicts her so she moves to Summerville,the town her father who just died,lived in.


Her daughter is a genius,so she enrolls her in summer school. That's where she meets the teacher, played by Paul Rudd,who instead of teaching them anything,he plays them horror movies on videotape.


The kids discover all these things in their grandfather's house,things to hunt ghosts with. Pretty soon,ghosts start emerging,and they try to capture them. There's this scene which to me was endless in which they tried to capture a ghost. They failed twice.


To me it felt like it was a movie for children,as the kids were the ones doing the fighting,the adults were just there,most of the time weren't even there.


I know the fans of Paul Rudd were excited he was in the movie,thinking he was playing one of the ghostbusters,well,he's not,he's just the nerdy teacher who dates the mom and gets possessed with the mom,and turns into an animal.


Turns out grandpa' was one of the original ghostbusters,so ,this is a sequel.


The smart girl who's so smart is not so smart anymore,when her possessed mom is talking to her in a man's voice having red eyes,and she keeps on asking her what is wrong with her,even after she jumped out of the window through the glass(rolling my eyes).


The original ghostbusters make an appearance too,and there are a few cameos from Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson,and Olivia Wilde.


I personally never liked Ghostbusters,and never liked movies for kids,which is what it felt like this movie was.


Rating : Could have been a contender !