
Language : Russian


Year of release : 2019


Run time : 1h17min


Genre : Horror



There is a legend,that on Summer Solstice,on a lakeside village, whoever drowns in the lake , must be burnt right away,or they shall be coming back the very same night as a zombie. So every year the people living around the lake burn a totem to keep the lake's evil at bay.


The movie opens with the legend being told by someone on tv, and being continued by a teacher in the class the two leads are taking.


The two female leads are leaving early,asking permission, as they go to the said lake with their boyfriends.

Masha is an airhead who always has her problems fixed by Polina,who is fed up with it.


As they arrive at the lake, Masha's French boyfriend proposes to her,and they celebrate. Polina doesn't like the guy Masha's boyfriend brought to meet her,as he seems to be a jerk.


Asked by Masha to leave so she could have some privacy with her boyfriend, Polina gets in the path of some dangerous men who k!ll the guy who came to meet her and beat her up,taking her hostage.


At night, the guy comes back as a zombie.


The movie had potential, had a good idea, but it was poorly executed.

The movie has beautiful landscapes, I liked the way it was shot,it has beautiful colors, but it lacks in plot.

The soundtrack was good, it even has French music.


Rating : Could have been a contender !