Gogol : A terrible vengeance

Year of release : 2018


Language : Russian


Run time : 1h46min


Genre : Mystery / Horror


Cast : Aleksandr Petrov



This is the 3d installment of the 8 episode series based on Russian author Gogol's works "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka".


In this 3d movie and last of the season 1,we discover Gogol is dead and ready to be buried. But,luckily ,he wakes up in the grave ,after having a vision of his father and a man without a nose. He digs his way out,but,unluckily,he is arrested for the death of the girls he tried to save.


Soon the peasants come for him,wanting vengeance for their daughters' death,and try to burn him alive. The little girl,Vaselina,who is a natural born witch,summons the rain putting out the fire.

The peasants want to hang him now,and they're stopped by Gogol's superior who apparently wasn't dead but in hiding,trying to find out the identity of the mysterious hooded knight killing the girls.


The movie has an unexpected ending,for sure. I really didn't expect the villain to be who it was.


I liked and really enjoyed this movie (this trilogy),-it's one of the best movies I ever watched-,it has really beautiful architecture,beautiful clothes,I loved the world they created,with the old streets and houses,the village with its people..


The visual effects were amazing, the actors were all great.

The lead,Aleksandr Petrov,one of my favorites,as Gogol reminds me of Johnny Depp in Sleepy Hollow,with his quirks.


I loved the soundtrack ,at the climactic scene they play a song which reminds me of Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula .


Gogol is listed as a tv series with one season on Amazon Prime Video,where is for sale at a good price.


Rating : It's so money !