
Year of release : 2013


Run time : 1h31min


Genre : Sci Fi / Thriller


Cast : Sandra Bullock, George Clooney



The space shuttle Explorer,commanded by veteran astronaut Matt Kowalski is in earth's orbit to service the Hubble Space Telescope. Doctor Ryan Stone is on her first space mission to perform a set of updates on the telescope.

During their space walk, they are warned by Mission Control that space debris is approaching fast, as the forever bad guys, the Russians, shot down a satellite which didn't work anymore(they know this for a fact,as always).They are ordered to return to earth immediately. Shortly after, communication with earth is lost.


The debris hits The Explorer and the Telescope, and Stone is separated from the shuttle,spinning through space. Kowalski,having one of those Manned Maneuvering Suits,rescues her ,and they return to the Explorer, finding out the shuttle was destroyed and the crew is dead.


They decide to use his MM Unit to reach the International Space Station in 90 minutes ,before the space debris hits again.


When they approach the ISS they see it was evacuated, the last Russian shuttle's parachute being tangled around the space station. The two decide to go to the Chinese space station ,but the debris hits again, and Stone's leg gets entangled in the parachute's ropes, while Kowalski floats into space. Stone catches him, but he tells her to release him, as he pulls her with him into space.


Left alone, and without oxygen, Stone needs to get aboard of the ISS,to then fly to the Chinese station, to get back to earth.


Although having only 2 characters for the first half an hour of the movie, and then only one, the movie was not a bore. The movie is suspenseful, and the actors at the top of their game, you can read Sandra Bullock's emotions on her face.


I guess this is one of those movies which you either love or hate, as last night when I watched the movie I liked it,but the first time I watched it ,I hated it.

I did notice that it's also about the mood you're in,when watching a movie. I did notice with many movies, making reviews, that the first time I see things I don't see the next time, or the first time I hate it,seeing it in a certain way,but the next time, I don't see anything wrong with it. And this expands from the acting to the music.


Personally, I'm sick of this Hollywood narrative,of Russians being the bad guys ,and to blame for everything in their movies. Give it a rest, we know, you hate them,you want everyone to hate them too,but it's not working!


The visual effects were great.


The acting was good, Sandra Bullock was great. Ed Harris has a sort of voice cameo,as he is the voice of Mission Control.


The soundtrack was great, it merged with the visuals,it


Gravity is streaming on AppleTv+ for free, is for rent on Amazon, AppleTv, Spectrum, and for sale on Amazon, AppleTv.


Rating : Worth a watch !