Guess who

Year of release : 2005


Run time : 1h41min


Genre : Comedy / Romance


Cast : Ashton Kutcher, Zoe Saldana, Bernie Mac



The movie is a loose remake of the 1967 comedy thriller "Guess who's coming to dinner".


Percy is trying to write his vows for his 25 years wedding anniversary party. His daughter is going to bring her boyfriend and he is impressed by his credit report and the good job he has at JP Oliver.


Simon quits his job after a talk with his boss. Wanting to tell his girlfriend,she tells him how impressed her father is about it,so he doesn't. He is also worried her parents,especially her father, will not approve of their relationship, as they are an inter racial couple.


Once they get to their place,her father confuses the taxi driver for her boyfriend. And seems to really dislike Simon.


Because Simon has the 'amazing' idea of putting on Theresa's lingerie, her father opens the door,right when she fights him about him not wanting to take it off. So her father decides he needs to sleep at a hotel. Theresa wants to join him,but Simon convinces her to stay with her parents to help her mother with the party preparations.


Not finding an available hotel room,as the one Percy booked was taken,due to him not checking in at 4,he has to allow Simon to sleep under the same roof as Theresa.


Getting ready to sleep in the basement room Percy offered him, Percy comes in,ready to go to sleep,letting him know the time he spends at his house,they're gonna share the same bed,as he wants to make sure Simon is gonna keep his hands off Theresa.


Percy lies to his colleague that Theresa's boyfriend's name is Jamal,and he is into sports,something Simon is not into.

Simon comes to see him, and Percy takes him to the tracks,as to impress him, Simon said he likes car racing. Percy loves car racing.


Having family dinner, Simon finds himself opening a weird conversation he can't get out off,upsetting her family.


This is one of my favorite movies,I laugh with tears the whole time,whenever I watch it,like last night. I thought certain scenes were unnecessary,like the lingerie one,and the racist conversation Simon opened for no reason!


The actors were great,the only one who didn't feel as good as the rest was Ashton Kutcher.


The soundtrack was good,usually these kind of movies have cheesy music,but this was fine.


Viewer discretion is advised ,as the movie contains mature language.


You can watch the full movie here:


Rating : Worth a watch !