Gunpowder milkshake

Year of release : 2021


Run time : 1h54min


Genre : Action / Thriller / Comedy


Cast : Lena Headey, Michelle Yeoh, Carla Gugino, Angela Bassett, Karen Gillan, Paul Giamatti



So this woman,who's mother left her in a diner 15 years before,made the same career choices her mother did. She ended up a gun for hire for The Firm. The Firm ends up doing her wrong as they ask her to  kill someone,she does,then The Firm takes its hands off her and tries to kill her for doing what they asked her.


She is asked to kill a man who stole The Firm's money. She shoots him by accident, tries to save his life (by taking him to The Firm's hospital ), and then tries to save his daughter who was kidnapped, hence the reason why he stole from The Firm.

They are being chased by The Firm's people,then the McAlesters, who's people, and most importantly, boss son, she killed.


I loved the first hour of the movie, the dialogue was witty and funny. I loved the fighting scenes,in the bowling alley fighting scene,the way it was shot, the music and all,reminded me of Kill Bill (I don't know if that was intentional or not).


I also loved how she managed to escape the doctor's office unable to move her arms,fighting the men high on inhaling gas (that scene made me laugh holding on to my belly - I laughed with tears), and the scene in which she taught the girl how to drive because she still couldn't use her hands,trying to escape the men sent to kill her.


The movie is very colorful, almost like a pop video,the colors just pop,it's like eye candy, which I loved.


I'd like to say I watched this movie before and apparently didn't like it much,but last night I loved it. What still bothered me was the woke agenda,and how the girl didn't hold her accountable for killing her father,because "she just killed him,someone else gave the order!"rolling my eyes.


I liked the way it was shot, the witty dialogue, it was almost like an homage to Kill Bill or something, the way the music, and sometimes mismatched music

 (mariachi and old music)

,which I found funny, merged with the fighting scenes.


The visual effects were good.


The soundtrack was good.


The movie is streaming on Netflix.


Rating : Worth a watch, to It's so money !