Hansel and Gretel : Witch hunters

Year of release : 2013


Run time : 1h28min


Genre : Horror / Fantasy / Action


Cast : Jeremy Renner, Gemma Arterton, Famke Janssen, Peter Stormare



The movie is sort of based on the Brothers Grimm story Hansel and Gretel,but as adults.


After being left alone in the forest at night by their father who woke them up from their sleep,Hansel and Gretel are being kidnapped by the witch who lives in the gingerbread house.

The witch uses Gretel as her servant while force feeding Hansel,in order to eat him later. The two manage to push the witch into the burning oven prepared for Hansel,and since,they become witch hunters.


Grown up now,they go wherever they are needed to hunt and k!ll a witch.

They stumble upon the sheriff of a small town who wants to k!ll a woman he thinks a witch. Hansel checks her and frees her,as he says witches look rotten.


Soon they encounter the queen witch and her acolytes who kidnap children for their blood moon ritual.


The movie is action packed and has really good action scenes,but they felt too modern.


The actors were good,and although Jeremy Renner did a good job,I felt he was miscast as Hansel.


The visual effects were good. I liked their costumes. I liked how they dressed the good witch in orange shades and colors,matching her hair,they even gave her a pumpkin!


What bothered me - they never went home to see what happened.

Hansel has diabetes !?

Neither of them has anyone,and when Hansel gets someone,she's k!lled.

The queen witch reveals to them her plot just because the creators didn't know how to let the audience know what happened to their parents and her actions.

The witches are downright ugly ( in ugly makeup) they look like corpses who've been under water for too long. I don't understand why they couldn't let the actresses look like their normal selves.


The first time I watched this movie I hated it,I even down voted it on Google,but now I actually enjoyed it,so I took back my vote.


Rating : Worth a watch !