
Year of release : 2011


Run time : 1h33min


Genre : Action / Thriller / Drama / Mystery


Cast : Channing Tatum, Michael Douglas, Michael Fassbender, Gina Carano, Ewan McGregor, Antonio Banderas, Bill Paxton


Director : Steven Soderbergh



Mallory is having a meal in a dinner when seemingly her friend joins and asks her to get in the car he has outside. We find out he is her colleague,and he was sent by their boss to retrieve her. When she refuses he starts beating her,and with the help of the people from the dinner,she manages to knock him unconscious. She asks a man who helped her to give her his car and leave with her.


In the car,she tells him what's going on.

She tells him her and her colleague are agents of a secret private intelligence firm that handles highly sensitive black ops secretly so that their employers can maintain plausible deniability.


The week before she was offered a job to rescue a Chinese national held hostage in a Barcelona apartment. Mallory and her team succeeded in rescuing the man, and gave him to the local contact.


Upon returning to the states she is visited by her boss who is also her ex,who gives her another job. She needs to be eye candy,play the wife of an MI6 agent,Paul, during a mission in Dublin.


In Dublin,after going through Paul's things, she follows him at the party,and seeing him go into a barn, she discovers he killed the Chinese man she rescued. The man had the brooch her boss gave her , in order to be recognized by Paul, in his hand. She understands she is being set up.


Going back to the hotel room together, Paul attacks Mallory,and after a long fight,she manages to kill him. Going through Paul's phone,and dialing the missed call, her boss and ex answers with "Is the divorce final".


Her boss sends his men after her,as they want her dead.


Mallory has to come up with a plan to escape them and clear her name.


I can't believe this movie was directed by such an acclaimed director,for I hated it! It looked like the art project of a film school student!!

The colors are on this ugly brown and khaki.


The movie is slow for the first 25 minutes (to me it felt like a drama), and picks up after,getting interesting. But not interesting enough!

Sometimes when the actors are talking what we see is the landscapes!


The soundtrack doesn't match whatever is on the screen! There's one long scene depicting an operation going down,we see them talking,but the music keeps playing the whole time,so we can't hear them!Music which seems to belong in a different movie! I felt like I was watching the movie while playing music!Which I felt like doing,because the first half an hour is boring and slow.

Most of the times,when the movie needs music, the movie is completely silent,like a drama,and then,the music,which doesn't match, starts playing!


The acting was fine,the only one I felt didn't give 100% being Gina Carano. I liked the fighting scenes. The actors seemed to have been doing their own stunts,but that was the only good thing about the movie.


Haywire is streaming on DirecTv, Peacock, Starz on AppleTv, and is for rent / sale on Amazon, AppleTv, DirecTv, Google Play, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Could have been a contender!