Hemlock Grove

Year of release : 2013


Run time : 45-58min


Genre : Supernatural Horror / Thriller / Mini Series / Tv Series


Cast : Bill Skarsgard, Famke Janssen, Dougray Scott



The series are based on the 2012 novel by Brian McGreevy.


Roman is a 17 year old who gravitates towards blood whenever he has s3x. Roman is very protective towards his sister and his cousin, and seems to truly love them.


A creature starts attacking the girls of Hemlock Grove, and the police hire a tracker, as they think it's an animal.


A girl who wants to be a writer, thinks it's a werewolf, and sets the police on a gypsy's tracks, just because his index and middle finger are the same length.


Peter and his mother move into his grandfather's trailer house after he died. They are gypsies. Peter recognizes Roman is an upir,a sort of undead entity,like a vampire, which he doesn't think Roman knows about.

Roman is able to make people do what he wants,even though that gives him nose bleeds.


For some unknown reason, Roman feels a connection with Peter, maybe because he sees Peter is nice to his giant sister( who is also deformed) ,whom everybody at school mocks.


Roman's cousin ends up pregnant, as she says she is a virgin, but she ended up pregnant after she was visited by an angel.


Due to the rumours of Peter being a werewolf, Roman asks him to see him change, so he lets him. Turns out Peter really is a werewolf, and the transformation was the worst I've ever seen. SPOILERS It was filmed as if he had a wolf inside him. His eyes fell out of his sockets(!),his knuckles turn into paws while his fingers fall... pretty much his whole skin and bowels fall, only to be devoured by his wolf self!Not kidding, he's eating himself,after! His mother seems in awe of this, as she has this proud look on her face,during the whole transformation. And he turns into a wolf!


Roman and Peter become friends, and Roman seems to be jealous of his (pregnant) cousin liking Peter.

Roman falls apart from Peter as Peter starts dating Roman's cousin.

They get back together after Roman wakes up from a coma, and try to find the man werewolf k!lling women. They are stopped by the tracker who shoots Peter after he turned,thinking he's the killer.

Roman's mother has other plans for her.


Roman's mother,played by Famke Janssen, is always wearing white. I personally like Famke,I just don't like the fake English accent her character has. She has an affair with her dead husband's brother, which seems to be going on since the man was alive. She also picks up men half her age in bars.

SPOILERS In the last episode is revealed she is Romanian ( then why the English accent?!) and a vampire who had to kill herself to become one.


The girl who wants to be a writer gets more and more annoying to me. SPOILERS In the last episode I understood why I hate her ( I watched these series before-10 years ago or so)- she is the villain, and she's evil, she said Peter is the werewolf to take the heat off her. She killed girls she didn't like(for the most stupid of reasons-most of them did nothing to her), including her best friends-who loved her! Even the girls' father loved her!


The characters are unlikeable, as Roman drinks a lot and does cocaine,sleeps around with pretty much everyone, his mother drinks , puts drops in her eyes to get high,and sleeps with her late husband's brother. The gypsies con people and steal. The tracker is an alcoholic( did I mention she's a woman? who works for the church? There's nothing more embarrassing than a drunk woman. And she's drunk a lot ).


The acting was fine,except for the actress who played Dougray Scott's wife.


They speak in Romanian, and they butcher the language. In the last episode,the girl who plays Famke's character- I don't know if they didn't know the words or she just couldn't pronounce any, but I didn't understand anything she said, I read the translations, and she didn't say anything the translation said she did.

I didn't understand why the gypsies spoke Romanian,do they think Romanians are gypsies and gypsies speak Romanian? Because I have news for them, Romanian has nothing to do with gypsy language, they have their own Indo language, we DO NOT UNDERSTAND! So in such a context,they would definitely not speak Romanian.


I loved the house Roman's family lives in.


The movie is pretty disturbing, as Roman cuts himself while s3xing his friends with benefits girlfriend, and when he knows she's on her period,follows her into the bathroom to give her orals just to drink her blood. As the movie progresses he gets worse, as he starts cutting himself wider while he has s3x with strangers ,doing cocaine, and ends up cutting his face after using drugs,in the mirror.


Viewer discretion is advised as the movie has a lot of nudity and s3x scenes.


I didn't like the colors. It looked like a documentary due to the brown-khaki colors. Or like a movie filmed by students in film school.


I won't be watching the next 2 seasons as the movie is not to my liking. It's just empty, the characters have no depth. It seems the writer or writers looked at what works to have a hit, and followed the same path, of drugs and meaningless s3x / nudity.Just that, I hate that.

The movie is also moving slow, in two episodes, nothing happened,so if you missed them, you didn't miss anything.


A Netflix original, season 1 is streaming on Hoopla, and is for sale on Amazon, Apple, Google, Vudu.


Rating : Could have been a contender !