Holy matrimony

Year of release : 1994


Run time : 1h32min


Genre : Comedy / Action


Cast : Patricia Arquette, Joseph Gordon Levitt



A couple who work at a county fair, rob it one night, and the man decides to hide in the Hutterite colony he comes from, as the police is on their tracks.


A few scenes later, the man dies in a car accident, leaving the woman he had to marry to be able to live in the colony, a widow.


Being a Hutterite community, the pastor cites the Bible saying the man's very young brother ( a kid) has to marry Havana.


This leads to a series of funny events as Havana only wants the money her dead spouse hid somewhere and leave for Hollywood to become a star like Marilyn Monroe.


The acting was great, all the actors gave their best. Joseph Gordon Levitt, who was one of my favorite actors growing up , was great and adorable.


The movie was directed by Mr .Spock himself,Leonard Nimoy.


Here's the YouTube link to the full movie : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPqO4EIP8ow


Rating : It's so money !