Home again

Year of release : 2017


Run time : 1h38min


Genre : ?


Cast : Reese Whiterspoon, Michael Sheen



Alice is a mother of two who is separated from her husband. She moved to Los Angeles from New York. She is an interior designer who's new client is just using her without paying her.


The movie opens on her 40th birthday as she cries in the bathroom. In the evening she goes to a club - restaurant with her two friends to celebrate.


Three friends want to make it big in the movie industry,as they want to make their own movie,in black and white,one of them being the script writer, the others being the actors.

They meet Alice at the club,and they end up celebrating her birthday together. They end up at her house,and she even tries to get busy with one of them.


In the morning,the 20 something year old men win her mom over,as they are big fans of her ex husband and Alice's father,a movie director. Her mother offers them Alice's guest house,as they are starving artists. Alice accepts to have them over and this starts a friendship story.


Alice's daughters bond with the guys,especially the oldest daughter with the script writer whom she asks to be her emotional support at the school play.


I don't know what this movie is supposed to be,because it's not a romance,whatever happens between the lead and the young guy ends very fast; it's not a drama,and most definitely it's not a comedy.


She doesn't end up with any of the guys,not even with her husband to whom she says that she wants a divorce from.


I personally don't like movies which end up in the same place they were when they started,which is what happens in this movie,the characters are pretty much in the same place. I also don't like this glorification of 40 year old people getting drunk or high,making a fool of themselves.


All the actors were fine,the acting flows.

Rating : Could have been a contender !