Home owners

Language : Spanish


Year of release : 2022


Run time : 1h12min


Genre : Thriller



A young couple who doesn't want to live with rent anymore, is looking for a house,but in their money/price range they find only very small rooms,not even apartments.


Their realtor, Lucia,who wants to be called Luci, tells them about a beautiful big house, with a pool,but there's a catch,it belonged to the freemasons, and people have disappeared in it.

They decide to buy it,as they love it, and their parents co-sign the contract.


From the moment they move in, the woman realizes that whenever she wishes for something,the house gives it. The man loves it, but she starts wondering what is the price they have to pay for everything.


The man wants a kid,but she doesn't. And yet, as they keep on asking for things, and receive the exact things they are thinking of, the woman finds out she's pregnant, like all the women who lived in the house before,and disappeared.


The movie had a good plot, I liked it, it never missed a beat.


The actors were all fine.


The music seemed a bit upbeat, as if it was made for a romantic movie or a comedy.


Rating : Worth a watch !