How I met a femme fatale

Year of release : 2007


Run time : 1h27min


Genre : Romantic / Comedy


Cast : Cillian Murphy, Lucy Liu, Jason Sudeikis



'How I met a femme fatale' or 'Watching the detectives' is a romantic comedy about a movie nerd who's life is turned upside down by a goofy femme fatale who likes to keep him on his toes.


Neil is a movie buff who has his own video rental store with the rarest pieces. He likes to enact movie scenes,and he breaks up with his girlfriend,after he asks the waiter to spill water on her dress. He even dresses up in costume on certain days of the week,at the store!


Violet enters the store,and Neil's life, and rents a movie without giving Neil her credentials,as she says she doesn't have a driver's license (I don't understand why doesn't it work with an ID,like in Romania,but whatever! ),so she gives him 50 dollars. The next day, she steals the money and asks him on a 50 dollars date,as now he owes her 50 dollars.

At the date,she pretends to be drunk,and seeing he's nice,she drops the act.


Neil soon realizes (after she makes him stay in the rival store after closing,messing it up,having fake detectives drill him about the incident ,after) Violet ,who doesn't own a tv,and doesn't like anything having to do with a tv,likes living on the edge,creating problems,as she doesn't like the security or boredom, of the day to day life. Or maybe there's more to the story.


The movie was a light hearted romantic comedy,reminiscing of the early 2000's romantic comedies, like 'Laws of attraction' and 'The wedding date'.


The actors were good, the movie seemed fun to make and it looked the actors had fun making it.


The movie kept me interested,made me laugh a few times (like when Neil cries the whole time playing the game,after breaking up with Violet), but I'm not sure if I'd watch it again.


I think the movie was filmed back in the early 2000's,maybe 2001-2002,based on the look and topic,and was kept on the shelf,thinking it wasn't good enough, until 2007.


If you want to watch the movie,access this link :


Rating : Could have been a contender !