
Year of release : 2010


Run time : 2h28min


Genre : Action / Sci- Fi


Cast : Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tom Hardy, Marion Cotillard, Ellen Page aka Elliot Page,Cillian Murphy,Michael Caine, Ken Watanabe



Christopher Nolan is one of my favorite directors & writers as he makes some of the best movies. I didn’t like the Batman franchise,but then again,I never liked the comic based movies,Batman being one of them,but I loved his other movies about dreams,space and the human mind.


Inception centers around a group of people who specialize in corporate mental espionage. We get submerged in the story from the get-go as the characters are on a job in the mind of one of their victims. We find out from the beginning that Mal always manages to infiltrate the operation as she is part of Cobb’s psyche and he carries her with him,always betraying him and his team,as his guilty conscience sees her that way.


The team accepts a job of creating Inception,which means infiltrate an original and foreign idea in the mind of someone,to make them believe something which the perpetrator wants,believing it their own. In this case,the owner of a big energy/ power/ electricity company wants the son of his rival company to sell his father’s company so he’ll have no competition on the market. To plant inception,they need to create a dream within a dream,within a dream,but things get even more complicated as the son was trained into mental warfare,and has a team of fighters who protect him.


The acting was top notch, eveybody did a great job.


I loved how they merged the action with the love story,how the love story and Cobb’s guilty conscience bleed through every time,bringing his dead wife to life in his dreams.

I loved how whenever he thought of her or talked about her,we get to see her,his memories coming to life on the screen,it was so beautifully crafted,the visual is haunting. She really seems like a ghost haunting the character,her being bleeding though every scene as Cobb carries her with him.


Mal was classy,elegant,always looking at her best,to me opposite to Ariadne.


I love how Cobb can never see the face of his kids,he only sees them from certain angles,the angles he saw them from the last time he saw them.

The colors are beautiful,the world Cobb created to keep his dead wife in,unable to let her go.


The music of Hans Zimmer is amazing,merging with the visuals,becoming one solid piece.


Inception is a masterpiece,the level of The Matrix.


Inception is streaming on HBO Max, Amazon, Apple, AMC on Demand, DirecTv, Google Play, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of !