Into the dark

Year of release : 2018


Genre : Horror / Anthology Series



- Pure episode


Run time : 1h28min



Into the dark is a 2018 horror series with only one season,each episode with the length of a movie having a common denominator,they take place during a holiday.


This one takes place during a father-daughter weekend at a Christian purity retreat ,and is the 12th episode and the last.


In this episode,the fathers of daughters who are obsessed with their daughters' virginity,take them annually to this extremist Christian retreat where they are told women who even kiss a boy are like Lilith ( a demon and the first woman,before Eve),a harlot.


One night,the girls perform a ritual and the leading character,who already had dreams about it,starts seeing this entity who offers her feathers as gifts.


They discover they are tested by their fathers,and the boys they trust are not their friends.


I liked the episode,it was one of my favorites,it was a nice escape from all the serial killer episodes of the series,which all seemed about the same thing.


The acting was good,the soundtrack too,I just find it unlikely in this day and age that there still are Christians like that. I mean,these girls seemed pretty old to me,at least 18 years old ( at one point they said a girl was coming to this retreat for ten years since she was 12! If she was 22 ,she still never had a boyfriend and never kissed a man.)

Also,the fathers wanted to control everything about them,even who they dated,who they married ( they wanted to choose them a partner!) and when they had s3x ( after marriage). This seemed more like Islam to me than Christianity,but whatever.


The series are a Hulu production and stream exclusively on the platform.


Rating : Worth a watch !