
Language : Spanish / English


Year of release : 2011


Run time : 1h40min


Genre : Supernatural Horror


Cast : Clive Owen, Carice Van Houten, Daniel Bruhl



Intruders is a Spanish-British co-production,directed by Spanish script writer,producer and director Juan Carlos Fresnadillo,and written by the Spanish duo Nicolas Casariego and Jaime Marques.


In Spain, a single mother and her son are haunted by a hooded man,the boy calls Hollow Face. Hollow Face seems to come to life from the stories the child writes and invents about him. The more he writes about him,the more real he gets,and more power he gets.

His mother doesn't know what to do,as she believes he is possessed,and even brings priests home,who think her crazy.


In England, John,a construction worker,goes through the same thing with his daughter,after she finds a letter in the hollow of a tree,about Hollow Face. John had a happy family and a happy marriage with his wife,until his daughter starts seeing Hollow Face,and starts writing about him.

Just like in Juan's case,everything she writes about him comes true.

Even the father,just like the single mother,sees Hollow Face,and fights him,trying to save his daughter. They call the police,install an alarm,but nothing seems to keep Hollow Face away from Mia,as instead of stop thinking about him and writing about him,giving him more power,Mia keeps on writing the story to her detriment.


The movie has a twist at the end,which by that time,I saw it coming.


The visual affects were Ok,although at times you can tell it's CGI.


The actors were good.


The soundtrack was Ok.


Intruders is streaming on Crackle, Filmrise, Freevee, Peacock, Peacock Premium, Pluto Tv, Redbox, Tubi Tv, Vudu Free.


Rating : Worth a watch !