Isn’t it romantic ?

Year of release : 2019


Run time : 1h29min


Genre : Romance / Comedy / Fantasy


Cast : Rebel Wilson, Adam DeVine, Liam Hemsworth, Priyanka Chopra



A girl who loved romantic comedies gets her idea of romance crashed by her mom as she tells her there are no happy endings for women like her.


As a grown up, she’s jaded about the ways of the world and doesn’t see what’s right in front of her.


She hits her head on the subway while getting mugged,and wakes up in a perfect world with vivid colors,scented streets, huge perfect apartment and a gay best friend, having a rich hunk falling for her.


The movie had good acting,beautiful visuals,funny characters...

It's a bit of a musical too,the leads,both playing a couple in Pitch Perfect also,showed their voice skills with a few songs,and even the supporting cast joined in on the last music number.


Rating : It's so money !