
Year of release : 2021


Run time : 1h31min


Genre : Action


Cast : Kate Beckinsale, Stanley Tucci, Jai Courtney, Susan Sarandon



A woman with serious temper issues,so serious that she has to wear a harness which gives her electroshocks to calm down,goes on a date. She is afraid to stay because she already beat the waitress up,but she likes the guy,so she goes on a second date with him.

They have a great time ( she manages to enjoy the time with him and doesn't get triggered by anything he says or does),and the next day he is found dead.

She starts investigating on her own,as the police are after her.



Plot twist he's not dead,but evil. They couldn't just leave it at him being some nice guy she liked,they had to make him evil,a CIA agent who disconsiders her and mocks her!


The acting was fine, so were the fight scenes.


Jolt is an Amazon original and it can be found on the platform.


Rating : Worth a watch !