Julia's eyes

Language : Spanish


Year of release : 2010


Run time : 1h58min


Genre : Thriller / Horror


Cast : Belen Rueda



Julia had a twin sister who is believed to have killed herself. Julia doesn't think so. Her sister's friend tells her she was happy,she met a man and her eye surgery was a success.


Julia starts investigating on her own and her worst fears prove to be correct.


Julia suffers from the same degenerative disease her sister did,one which ends with her losing her eye sight. So she mustn't give into fear,as each panic attack takes more and more of her sight.


The acting is amazing,all characters are beautifully portrayed.

I also love the way it was shot,the angles. Once she loses her sight,we only get to see her interacting with people whose faces we can't see,just their silhouettes,putting ourselves in her shoes,seeing almost the way she sees them .


Rating : The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of !