Juwanna Mann

Year of release : 2002


Run time : 1h31min


Genre : Comedy / Farce / Sport



Jamal is a basketball player who is very shallow and full of himself. Due to his atrocious behavior ( he disrespects the superiors and gets naked in front of the crowd at his game ) he is fired from his team and loses all his possessions,having to move back with his aunt.


Desperate times call for desperate measures,so he concocts a plan which gets him in the female basketball league.

He dresses up as a woman,names himself Juwanna Mann, and becomes one of their best players. In disguise,he befriends the star of the team,whom he falls for.


This is one of my favorite movies,it's funny,entertaining,I like how this experience makes him grow and respect people,changing his perspective on life.


The actors are great,I loved Tommy Davidson,who plays a rapper in love with Jamal as a woman.


What I'd like to say is,it's obvious Juwanna is a man,I don't know how people would think him a woman,especially the ones close to him,like his agent,since he looks just like himself but with makeup.


The movie is streaming on Amazon Prime Video,Apple iTunes, Google Play, Microsoft Store, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : It's so money !