
Year of release : 2021


Run time : 1h46min


Genre : Action


Cast : Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Woody Harrelson



After she is asked to kill a man in front of his kid, Kate,a paid assassin,wants out. After failing again,to shoot her mark,as she feels sick,she finds out in the hospital, that she's been poisoned and she only has one day to live.

So,she goes on a killing spree,hoping to kill the one whom she thinks ,poisoned her.

The whole movie she's looking for her favorite drink,which she cannot find.


The acting was great,the only one who I felt didn't give 100% was Woody Harrelson,to which I was thinking,an actor his calibre could do that for only one reason SPOILER he's the villain. And I was correct.


I liked how the soundtrack had only Japanese music. The fighting scenes were amazing. There's this pretty long fight scene at the Black Lizzard, which reminds me of Kill Bill,I loved the way it was shot,the choreography,the realness of it. I love how the fighting scenes blend music with moments of silence.


I personally loved it,it was action packed.


Rating : It's so money!