Kill Bill vol.1

Year of release : 2003


Run time : 1h47min


Genre : Action / Mystery / Thriller / Adventure


Cast : Uma Thurman, Lucy Liu, Vivica A.Fox, Daryl Hannah, David Carradine



The movie is written and directed by Quentin Tarantino.

It tells the story of the Bride,who after being beaten to a pulp while pregnant,at her wedding,was shot in the head,by the man she used to date.


The movie starts with an action scene,in which the Bride is acting vengeance on one of her former colleagues from the Deadly Viper Association Squad,who participated in her beating and the death of everyone at her wedding.

After,we learn the Bride was in a coma for four years,and has a metal plate in her skull as a result of the shot.

Then the movie takes us to Japan,as it tells us the story of O-Ren Ishii,another colleague who took part in her torture,the first one to be taken out.


This was the first Quentin Tarantino movie I ever liked. I have both these movies on original videotape and DVD. I still love the fight scenes, watching it last night, I realized I still know all their lines.

I prefer this movie to the second, as this one is action packed,which I love, while the second is more laid back, and talkative,revealing the Bride's name and story.


The acting was good, all the actors were great,especially Uma Thurman, the only thing taking me out of the movie being them jumping from table to table as if flying(in a fight scene), looking as if they had (which they probably did have) a harness,but that was probably an homage to the old Kung Fu movies Tarantino watched as a kid and loved.

Speaking of which, Uma is wearing a yellow suit with stripes on the side of her legs, imitating Bruce Lee's jumpsuit from Enter the Dragon(1973).


The soundtrack was good, and again, in certain scenes was reminiscing of the same old Kung Fu movies.


The visual effects, again,good,just that I thought the blood was just ridiculous how it splashed like a fountain,but what do I know?


The movie is for rent or sale on Amazon, Apple, Google, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Worth a watch !