
Year of release : 2009


Run time : 2h2min


Genre : Sci Fi / Thriller / Mystery


Cast : Nicolas Cage, Rose Byrne



In 1959, a school decides to create a time capsule. The teacher of a particular class, asks the children to draw what they think life will be like in 50 years time. Lucinda, a girl who hears voices, writes numbers on the whole page.


In 2009, the same school opens the time capsule. The son of the lead gets Lucinda's letter.


At night, the father, John, puts the cup he spilled his drink from on the letter,and he has an idea about the numbers. He writes them all down, and realizes they are dates of disaster events with the number of people dead. After, he discovers the numbers he couldn't decipher are coordinates of the location.


He tracks down the daughter of Lucinda, and tries to make her understand three major events are coming,asking for her help. Although, at first she wants nothing to do with him, she changes her mind when she realizes he tells her the truth.


I liked the movie, it had a good, suspenseful plot, beautiful sceneries- it's filmed in autumn,with the brown-red trees and their leaves falling like snow,creating this almost fairy tale atmosphere.


John is a man of science,who's father is a priest,and they had a fallout when his wife died, and ever since he believes there's nothing, everything is just a series of events without meaning, because he didn't feel anything,he wasn't connected to his wife, when she died. He didn't feel she was in danger.


The actors were all good, they use the same actresses to play Lucinda and her daughter and her daughter's daughter..


The visual effects were good, I loved the scenes at the end with the disaster piece.


The soundtrack was good.


Knowing is for rent or sale on Amazon, Apple, DirecTv, Google, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Worth a watch !