
Language : Icelandic


Year of release : 2021


Run time : 1h46min


Genre : Drama


Cast : Noomi Rapace



The movie is labeled as horror / fantasy,but I didn't find anything horror in it,and when it comes to the fantasy part,I guess it would be considered fantasy due to the supernatural birth.

I'm gonna give spoilers because I hated the movie.


So,a childless couple who has a sheep farm, is living their lives in the confines and boredom of their day to day chores. At the beginning of the movie we hear,but don't see,this creature who is coming through the storm,to seek shelter in their sheep barn. One sheep falls to the ground. Later on,the very same sheep gives birth. The couple take the lamb and raise it as their own. The lamb is half a lamb,half human.


The lamb was conceived on Christmas day,so I'm guessing the makers of the movie wanted a religious parallel of sorts. The lamb's mother keeps on appearing by the window where the baby lamb is resting,so in the end,the leading character who took the half breed human animal ,kills it.

I'm gonna stop here because I'm gonna give way too many spoilers if I don't.


The movie is very slow paced and boring. Not much happens. There are only four characters in the whole movie,the couple,the man's brother and the half breed kid. There is very little dialogue,especially in the first half of the movie. There is no music,the movie is silent in that department. I think towards the end,the music lets itself known.


The only things I liked about the movie were the landscapes-Iceland is a beautiful country-,and the acting,Noomi Rapace is always a great watch.


The movie is streaming on Apple iTunes, Flix Thing, YouTube, Microsoft Store, Spectrum On Demand, Vudu, Google Play, Red Box, Amazon Prime Video, DIRECTV.


Rating : The horror ,The Horror !