Last Christmas

Year of release : 2019


Run time : 1h43min


Genre : Romance / Comedy


Cast : Emilia Clarke, Henry Golding, Emma Thompson, Michelle Yeoh



With a story written by Emma Thompson and Greg Wise,Last Christmas is a comedy set against a Christmas scenery with George Michael's songs as a backdrop.


Kate, an aspiring singer,works at a Christmas shop as an elf(I wish I had her job) in London around Christmas time. She is selfish towards her friends- who offer her shelter,as she keeps on bringing into their home her one night stands and kills their pets or destroys their projects,-and towards her sister,and her mother,whose calls she never answers.

This changes as she meets Tom,and starts a sort of relationship,as he is the only man she is genuinely interested in,and who has a secret.


I personally liked this movie. I liked the acting,I liked George Michael's songs(his songs are on the soundtrack - the OST consists entirely of Michael's songs. Somebody must have been a fan. Wink) which brought back childhood memories,I like the character's growth from the selfish person into the caring one.




I personally don't know how could someone who faced death be so inconsiderate to the second chance they are being given. Her reasons to me don't make sense. She gets a second chance at life and she just wastes it in the first half hour of the movie through one night stands,being awful to her family and her friends,her employer,and drinking way too much.


Rating : Worth a watch !