Last Night in Soho

Year of release : 2021

Run time : 1h56min


Genre : Psychological Horror / Drama


Cast : Thomasin McKenzie, Anya Taylor Joy, Matt Smith, Diana Rigg, Terence Stamp



Eloise has a gift,she can see ghosts and feels things related to them.

She lives with her grandma' in this idyllic country town and she leaves for London as Eloise aspires to be a designer and she is accepted in the London design school.


In the dorm she meets her roommate,Jocasta,who likes to be the centre of attention. Jocasta pretty soon shows her true colors,aka her nasty character,so Eloise decides to move out.

She finds a place she rents in an old house,which she loves,but she needs to get a job to be able to afford it.


Eloise starts dreaming about this woman who wants to be a singer and starts acting like her and dressing like her,to the point she even changes her hair to look like hers - the same haircut and hair color.


Every night,she can't wait to go to sleep,but soon the dream turns into a nightmare,and she's afraid to sleep. The dream pours into reality and soon Eloise doesn't know what's real or not.


I loved the visual effects ,the way it crosses from one scene to the other .I love how the past bleeds into the present, how reality merges with the phantasmal.

I love how the movie was shot, every scene is perfection, for example : when she pulls the covers descending into the dream world -the way the passing is made-the sheets seem endless like in 'The nightmare on Elm Street'.

I loved how we see the girl living in her dreams,and in the mirrors we see Eloise ,as if she is Sandy,the woman in her dreams,and she lives her  life,she experiences her emotions. There's this dancing scene,and in it,they keep on switching the leading ladies dancing with the man. It was so beautifully crafted.


The acting was great from everyone involved,especially Thomasin McKenzie.


The soundtrack has only old songs as Eloise loves them and wished she lived in the '60's. The original score is amazing too,every detail,every sound,is like hearing and experiencing what Eloise is going through.


Rating : The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of !