Last seen alive

Year of release : 2022


Run time : 1h36min


Genre : Action / Thriller


Cast : Gerard Butler, Jaimie Alexander



The movie starts with a scene in which we're already revealed the villain.

Then it goes back to the beginning.


The movie is about a couple who is close to divorce,as the wife had an affair and now she wants to leave her husband as she states she feels nothing for him anymore.


The husband takes her to her parents' house in another city,and as they have to stop for gas,a few miles away from her parents' home, she disappears in broad daylight,as this truck strategically stops right in front of her,blocking the view.


Seeing she doesn't come back from the bathroom,the husband goes looking for her. As the clerk doesn't help him,saying the camera is broken,looking all kinds of shady ,he calls the police. He then realizes the camera works,and the clerk might have something to hide.


Surprisingly,the police don't ignore him,saying he has to wait 24 hours,but actually send a detective to look into it.


The husband feels they move too slow,so he takes matters into his own hands, working with all he knows from what the police, the clerk and his wife's parents' told him .


I personally didn't like the movie. I thought it was badly put together. I didn't like it started with a scene which belongs towards the end,a scene with little relevance to the plot.


I also hated the colors. The movie felt washed out or burnt by the sun.


The scenes blending the past with the present annoyed me,especially since the dialogue in the past scenes was bad,and it brought nothing good to the movie,it actually made it worse.

The movie,due to its past scenes,and the first scene with the couple in the car, due to its bad written dialogue and the awkwardness between the characters,felt like it was made by an amateur. The scenes and dialogue didn't flow. Everything seemed forced.


The actors seemed fine,but they didn't have much to work with.


Also, Jaimie Alexander. I don't know what is it with beautiful women,why they feel the need to uglify themselves,cutting their hair short. The haircut makes her look older than she is.


The only thing I liked about the movie was the music,which at the beginning was non existent,and it picked up slowly as the pace of the movie started getting faster. When the husband is frenetically looking for his wife,the music is coming in strong ,creating a beautiful display of emotions and reason.

I really liked that,how the music enhanced once the action started and evolved around the actions and emotions of the lead,getting stronger and louder. It really felt like the music was telling a story,like it gave us an inside to the husband's feelings and state of mind.


The movie is available to stream on Amazon Prime Video, Redbox, Retro Movie Theater, Vudu, Vudu Movie & Tv Store on Roku.


Rating : Could have been a contender !