
Year of release : 2017


Run time : 1h50min


Genre : Sci Fi / Horror


Cast : Jake Gyllenhaal, Rebecca Ferguson, Ryan Reynolds, Hiroyuki Sanada



The astronauts on a space station discover microscopic life on Mars,which is all eye,all muscle,all brain. Because it seems dead in our environment,they create the environment that used to be on earth in the Proterozoic .The life form comes to life.

The astronauts tell the world about it,and the kids from a certain school name it after their school, Kalvin.


Due to an accident in the lab,the life form seems to be dead or hibernating. So,the astronaut who got attached to it,calling it by name,as if it's his friend, decides to give it electric shocks,to bring it back to life.

The alien doesn't appreciate that,and growing in size,wraps around his hand and completely breaks it.

Trying to save him,Ryan Reynold's character,gets him out,but he gets trapped in there with the alien who got out of the container and is loose in the lab . The alien kills him,and grows in size,to the point it's the size of an octopus ( and kinda looking like one).


This makes the astronauts understand they need to kill it and if they can't, stop it from reaching earth.


The actors were great,I loved their reactions to the alien which wasn't really there,when they filmed,especially Rebecca Ferguson's reactions.


The soundtrack,again,amazing,especially in the last part of the movie.


Rating : Worth a watch !