
Year of release : 2019


Run time : 1h49min


Genre : Comedy /Fantasy


Cast : Regina Hall, Marsai Martin, Issa Rae



Jordan,a tech mogul who used to be bullied as a kid,is now,due to that torture,a mean beatch. She’s mean to everyone,even the kids,there’s no exceptions.

One day,after the daily psychological torture of everyone at the office,she gets into a fight with a little girl who was into magic. The little girl wishes she was little,so she’d be put into her place.


The next morning,miss thing is little. This starts a series of funny events and Jordan finds out what’s really important in life,becomes best friends with her assistant, whom she mentally tortured on a daily basis and refused to give her a chance with her idea,to promote her. And,realizes the man she dates,sort of,because she doesn’t want to get attached to anyone,actually loves her.


The acting was great,this was one of those feel good movies,like I like to call them because everyone was exceptional. The little girl,Marsai Martin, playing the adult trapped in the kid’s body was amazing!

I kept on re-watching this movie,it has so many scenes which even now,after watching it so many times,still makes me laugh!


Rating : It's so money!