Little evil

Year of release : 2019


Run time : 1h35min


Genre : Horror / Comedy


Cast : Evangeline Lilly , Adam Scott ,Bridget Everett , Owen Atlas



I think this movie is like a parody of horror movies about the antichrist. I saw a scene inspired by The Omen,in which the teacher jumped into a fence when asked by the kid to go to hell,and another one inspired by Poltergeist as the kid talked through the tv with his father,the devil,who wanted full custody.


Only bad things happened to the former partners of his mother- three died,one was crazy,and at their wedding a tornado destroyed everything. The kid buries the lead alive,and before that never spoke to him or gave him the time of day.


The lead ,realizes,although he was always ready to form a bond with the kid,he has to protect the kid,and love him,not kill him.


I liked how he never hated the kid,he always wanted to form a bond with him.Even when people were telling him to kill the kid he refused,saying it was the kid of the woman he loved and it was unacceptable.


The mother is one of those mothers who are in ridiculous denial. She never blames the kid,she refuses to see it,although she knows he is evil,she tells her new husband her son was conceived in a satanic ritual like in Rosemary’s Baby!

She blatantly blames everyone else,the clown at the kid's birthday party who ends up set on fire,for in her head,he set himself on fire,when it was obvious the kid did it;her own new husband when he is called at school for something her kid did(made his teacher kill herself)and apparently this was nothing new.


I liked the movie,it was funny,I particularly liked his group members,especially the woman who called herself a step dad.

The acting was good,the visual effects too.


Rating : It's so money !