Locke and Key

Year of release : 2020


Run time : 44min - 57min ,10 episodes


Genre : Horror / Tv Series / Fantasy / Drama / Supernatural Horror




The movie is based on the comic book series by Joe Hill,illustrated by Gabriel Rodriguez,released in 2008.


Season 1


After the death of the head of the family, the Locke family moves into the Key House,a house the head of the family stayed away from and wanted nothing to do with.


Their uncle is in charge of the house,and he hated it too,never spending too much time in it. In fact,he leaves the very next morning.


The young child of the family ( they are a family of four,the mother and three children,out of which,2 teenagers) discovers from the very first day,as he gazes into a well,taking pictures,an echo which has a female voice,saying his name,talking to him. He runs scared,telling his family about the female echo,but they all just laugh at him.


The next day,the kid hears whispers around the house, so he does what anyone would do in the situation( eye roll),goes back to the well,talking to the echo. The echo tells him about the special keys the house has,which can open doors to other dimensions and can take him anywhere in the world.


The kid finds a key in his sister's bracelet,which we find out,was given to her by her father. He wants ice cream,so when he opens the bathroom door with the magic key,he enters the ice cream shop.


He tells his sibling, but she doesn't believe him.

He finds another key,which gets his mother trapped in the mirror,and we find out the echo might be a villain ( if we didn't know that already. I mean,who dwells in a well?) since she promised to help if she got the magic key,she got it,and she just left them there.


Throughout the episode,we see what led them to that place,the accident in which a teenager k!lled the head of the family,in their own house,in front of them,as he wanted information about the Key house,and now they're dealing with the loss and the trauma.


The mother seems a bit off,as she just stepped into the mirror instead of walking away from it,I mean, who does that,when they see their reflection in the mirror looking pretty scary,luring them in?!

And after her son went after her,because she got trapped in there,she forgot everything ,or maybe she pretends like it never happened.



Episode 2


The kid discovers another key .


Tyler, the teenager brother / son of the family seems to be a jerk.


The villain is using the key she got from the kid to get clothes and meals without paying for them. She pays the kid a visit,trying to get more keys from him.


The mother is oblivious to what's going on,as she doesn't remember being in the mirror. She makes discoveries on her own,as she finds out about her husband actually having friends growing up,not being a loner,as he told her,and that they all died.



Episode 3


The key the kid found goes at the back of the people's heads,and when used,the person freezes,it's only in spirit,and whoever is around them can enter their mind with them,through a certain portal their mind has. For example,the sister,Kinsey( what an unfortunate name!), has a revolving door,her mind being a mall. Her mind is a beautiful and at the same time scary place,as her fear, looking like a zombie version of herself,attacks people,attacks her brother,hurting him,the scratch remaining in the real world.


All is good and all,but how can someone see the person who used the key on themselves' soul? How can they enter their mind without being a spirit? How can these portals appear in the room for whoever is in the room to see,and enter them,meaning, enter these people's heads?!


The woman from the fountain is k!lling kids now to get their keys.


The mother finds more about her husband and his friends.


The kid finds another key in a painting,and using it he becomes a ghost. He actually leaves his body and travels around the town,because why not,nobody can steal his body or whatever,in this universe,I guess! And there are no threats whatsoever! Eye roll.



Episode 4


Kinsey took her fear out of her head,and she's not herself anymore. Tyler worries this might have serious consequences. I worry too.

The mother finds more interesting things about her husband and his friends.


Tyler thinks that if his sister can take things out,he can put things in. So he puts books inside his head,to see if he can remember what's inside them,to impress the girl he likes.


The kid puts gum inside all the key holes of the house doors trying to keep the villain out.



Episode 5


The teenagers can hear the whispers too,and they find another key,which they give to Kinsey. The key gives to whoever uses it the ability to control others. So she decides to control the mean girl.


If Tyler was the jerk,now Kinsey took his place. She tells more people about the key which in my opinion, should be kept a secret,because they could try to steal / take it from them, putting them in danger. The kid didn't tell anyone but his family about the keys,when he was found(!),while this girl told a few of her friends!


The adults don't seem to remember any encounter they have with a key.



Episode 6


The mother loses her friend,the teacher at the kids' school,who was helping her make sense of things. She also alienates the woman who used to be her husband's friend growing up,as she found her in her house and dared asking her about it,and about some scar she had which looked just like her husband's.


Kinsey shows her uncle his missing memories,kept in jars,discovered and brought to life by another key. He gets a migraine from seeing them,and forgets about what he saw,not that he could understand what he saw,right away!


The witch / demon,whatever she is, Dodge,(what awful names they chose for these characters!) can't get the keys from the Locke family, they have to willingly give them to her. So,she improvises,as she gives the Fire Key to the teenager who k!lled the head of the family,so he could escape from jail, and take the keys from them.


Kinsey gets more annoying,as she puts her friends in danger,taking them to the caves,where they almost drowned.


Tyler plays the jerk again,as he bails on his girlfriend, gets drunk, and gets the hots for Dodge. Everybody is acting like she's so hot,but whenever I look at her I think she looks scary unattractive.



Episode 7


The episode to me was a let down.


The teenager who k!lled the head of the Locke family breaks into the Key house and puts on Tyler's clothes.


Even without the fear and with so many keys, Kinsey can't outsmart and beat the psycho k!ller teenager at his game.


Tyler makes out with the scary looking witch demon his teenager friends find attractive. Did I mention she likes them young,as in teenagers, as she only looks for those type of "men" whom she chokes to death while s3xing?


Apparently she appeared to the psycho k!ller through the drawing of the house and the well,but how come only he could see / hear her,from all the kids / teenagers who entered the head of the family's office?!


The psycho k!ller manages to take all of their keys ,about four of them,which then pass on to the witch demon,as the only ones whom she can't take the keys from are the Lockes. But I could have sworn the kid she threw in front of the incoming train had to willingly give her his key. I love it when writers put the puzzles right into place and everything makes sense! Eye roll!



Episode 8


Ellie is housing her first love, Lucas,but he's scary and she's afraid of him.


Dodge gets the head key. Tyler and Kinsey try to figure out who does she want to use it on.


Their mother starts drinking again,and in this state,a happy drunk,she can remember the things about the house she couldn't. She finds out the closet she reconditioned can put things back together,and the kids find the crown of shadows key,that Dodge wants.



Episode 9



This was my favorite episode of the series,as we find out about Ellie,and who Lucas really is. We get to find out why Dodge is named dodge,because,just like I suspected,it's a nickname!


Bode is teaming up with Rufus to defeat Dodge.



Episode 10


Dodge gets her hands on the key of the crown of shadows,and now she can control them.


I really didn't like the twist at the end, as to me,it was a let down.

This adds up to the fact almost everyone in the movie states how beautiful Dodge is,and to me she is at the opposite pole,and it just annoys me. It reminds me of Once Upon a Time, in which all the princesses and princes,known for their beauty were played by plain, unattractive actors,while the witches and villains( The Evil Queen, The Wicked Witch of the West, Maleficent, Cora, Cruella, Captain Hook, Pinocchio), were played by beautiful ones. If a character is known for their beauty cast an effing beautiful person!


The actors are all great,the best was the one playing Rufus ( I swear to God,the writer came up with the ugliest names!). The visual effects were great,but somehow,the movie didn't grip me, I didn't like the characters, the story was lacking, the only episode I truly enjoyed was the 9th .


The house is beautiful,inside and out, I wish I lived there,minus the weird haunting about it.


Needless to say, I won't be watching the next seasons, as I didn't like the series that much.


The series are a Netflix production and streams on the platform.


Rating : Could have been a contender !