
Year of release : 2021


Run time : 50min, 6 episodes


Genre : Action / Adventure / Superhero / Mini Series


Cast : Tom Hiddleston, Owen Wilson



Season 1



These Marvel tv series are set up from the Avengers End Game when Loki got the Tesseract and disappeared. Unluckily for him,the TVA - time variance authority ( who exists to make sure no other  time lines are created on top of the normal one),catches up with him,strips him of his powers and takes him to be judged.


Agent Mobius who's investigating a crime which happened centuries ago,decides he needs Loki to help him with the case,so instead of being sent back to his timeline,he's shown his life into the future until his death at Thanos' hand.


Trying to escape,he ends up in the same interrogation room where he watches his life and comes to the conclusion he doesn't want to be the secondary character in his own life,but the lead.


In episode 2, Loki is boring me as he's just trying to buy some time,and get himself out of the situation just like many times before. Honestly the movie bored me until the last 10-15 minutes of it,when they started fighting the shape shifter with cool powers and it turned out it was a woman.


In episode 3,which was shorter,only 40 minutes, we find out Loki is bi because why not,said the writers and producers,and it has really bad visual effects.

The Loki female version is annoying and a b!tch.


The acting was good, Hiddleston looks good with the shirt off; what I didn't get is, how can anyone be stronger than a god?! Other than that..


I couldn't finish the series due to the fact I find it dull,nothing ever happens ,they just talk a lot,Loki is weak and stupid,has a bad hair day the whole season ( from what I've seen from other reviewers),just like in all of the movies after Thor,has nothing of the charm and brilliance he had in Thor and The Avengers.. And I had enough of these series as I'm done with its nonsense.


Loki is streaming on Disney+.


Rating : The horror ,The HORROR !!!