Look away

Year of release : 2018


Run time : 1h43min


Genre : Psychological Thriller / Mystery / Horror


Cast : India Eisley, Jason Isaacs, Mira Sorvino



Maria is a shy high school student who deals with bullying at school from one of her male school mates, and at home from her father.


Her father might be the reason the whole family is dysfunctional, why the mother seems to have depression moments, and why the daughter is shut in (she doesn't eat and can't sleep,although this could be due to the school bully too ).


Maria has one friend who is not really her friend, and when this girl's boyfriend shows her some attention,she kinda latches on to it.


Due to her constant bullying from her school bully and her father's obsession with her looking perfect (for her birthday he wants to give her a plastic surgery for her ears and face - and India is a gorgeous woman,she doesn't need anything done) she gives into her mirror counterpart, Airam ( Maria spelled backwards), who kept on asking her for some time to be let out, change places with her, and punish the ones who hurt her.


The movie has a twist at the end which I don't know if people didn't see coming,because I caught on since she started seeing the mirror image.


The acting is great, all the actors give 100%. India who plays two different characters is amazing, she keeps on switching from good to bad in a matter of seconds!

The soundtrack is good .


The visual effects were good,I liked the one used at the very end.


What I didn't like - I don't think that a woman as beautiful as Maria would have bullies first of all,male bullies second of all.

-Also,the bullying is just ridiculous, the things that boy does to her ( in one scene he just drags her on the ice on their prom,and everybody just laughs,nobody helps her,not even her friend).

-She keeps on placing herself at the scene of the crime,when she could very well not!And avoids the police,making people be suspicious of her.


Viewer discretion is advised as the movie contains nudity and mature content.


Rating : Worth a watch !