Luckiest girl alive

Year of release : 2022


Run time : 1h56min


Genre : Mystery


Cast : Mila Kunis, Finn Wittrock



A column writer,who seems to have everything, the rich beautiful fiance she's about to marry, the perfect job and a boss who likes her, has her life turned upside down,when a documentary maker is asking to interview her for the documentary of the school shooting she witnessed when she was a teenager.

It gets worse,as a writer she went to school with,is accusing her of being part of the shooting.


From the get go,the leading character is unlikeable, because she narrates the story and due to how she thinks about people and how she acts around them or when they're not around,and then placing the blame on others ( for example, there's 2 pieces of pizza left on the plate at a restaurant,her fiance says they should take it to go, and goes to the bathroom. She eats fast the last two pieces ,and when he comes back she spills the drink on the table and blames the waitress ),she comes off as rude,mean,unhinged.Also, she says she was fat in school,when the actress who plays her wasn't.

She honestly reminded me of Mila's character in American Psycho!


The movie is put together from her life now, when she's all over the place,destroying the relationship she has with her fiance,being also offered her dream job for the New York Times,while the documentary maker is pressing her to comment on past events ,and her life before the school shooting.




I personally hate this new Hollywood trend of leaving the characters without a love interest,just like in this one. To make matters worse,she's the one who broke up with him,because, she was just checking a box,she didn't love him,she wanted him for being rich! She chose her career over him!


Also,I hate how all the male characters they create lately have to be bad, none truly care for their woman,like with this one who was upset she had to tell the world what happened to her,but still said he loved her and they could make it work! Because she had to break up with him,I'm guessing,maybe in the writer's mind that's a sign of empowerment!


Or maybe,Hollywood just stopped pretending and they write characters based on what they know ,because this is who they are! I always thought the good characters in movies were too damn good,nobody is that good in real life,letting people walk all over them!


The actors were all fine,very natural, but the movie is lacking something ,it felt hollow,shallow ,empty,till the end. I personally didn't think she got her happy ending,no matter how much the makers try to force it upon us.


The movie is a Netflix production,and it streams on the platform.


Rating : Could have been a contender !