Mafia Mamma

Year of release : 2023


Run time : 1h41min


Genre : Comedy / Adventure / Action / Crime


Cast : Toni Collette, Monica Bellucci



An American woman,who lives a suburban life,receives a call from a woman in Italy telling her her grandfather had died. Although Italy is her dream place, she refuses to go,as she thinks she has too much to do,although her son left for college,and her husband is in a band.


Finding her husband having s3x with her son's teacher,she decides to go to Italy.


The funeral is being shot at by a group of people,and Kristin finds out her grandfather ran one of the biggest mafia gangs in the area,and was at war with the other mafia gang which wanted control over their domains.


Kristin is told by Bianca,who was her grandfather's right hand,that she needs to gain control of the area,and gain the respect of the mafia leader.


There's a problem with that,because although 40(she looks as old as the actress is,50) she is very childish. She falls in love with every Italian man she sees,although not attractive-in my opinion.


The movie was vulgar,thing I was not expecting considering the two ladies playing in it,both of them some of my favorite. It was funny,due to the things happening to Kristin,and the way she reacted to them.


I didn't like the fact,that like in all the Hollywood movies lately,women stick together,which is so unrealistic(I kept on waiting for Bianca to try to k!ll her and take over ), and men are all bastards(her husband cheats,and then comes back because he has no money and wants too leech off her;Lorenzo,the man she dated in Italy proves to be a cop who uses her..) Leaving the movie without a love interest,makes it feel unfinished!


The actors were fine.


The soundtrack was so an so,as I didn't like the music played,but it was funny in the context.


The movie is for rent / sale on Amazon Video, Apple Tv, Google, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Could have been a contender !