Major Grom - Plague Doctor

Language : Russian


Year of release : 2021


Run time : 2h17min


Genre : Action / Thriller



The movie is adapted from the Russian comic book series published from 2012 to 2016.The series have a sequel, Igor Grom, started in 2017 which ended in 2021,which also have a sequel , Major Igor Grom.


The monthly series,although the first story, Plague Doctor ,didn't impress the critics, had a short movie released, Major Grom, released in 2017.


Major Grom is a detective who takes his job seriously. So seriously,that sometimes he gets into trouble because he's doing his best to catch the bad guys.


A vigilante by the name of Plague Doctor is out to kill the elites who are a plague to the country,and mostly the city Saint Petersburg, due to their evil ways.


The billionaire of the city,who just released a platform on which people can post and speak their mind freely,without being tracked,finds out his best friend is the Plague Doctor,or so it seems.


A YouTuber journalist is on the case,putting disguises and herself in danger, to get to the truth.


The movie has a good soundtrack, attractive talented actors..great visual effects. Looks like a Hollywood movie,really well done.

I really liked the action scenes which were worthy of Hollywood, with vans going straight through buses,the villain with his flame thrower Rammstein style..there's this cool visual effect in which Grom is looking for the vigilante,by visiting all the bad guys of the city he knows,so each encounter is arranged in a montage which flips from bad guy to bad guy.


Major Grom is a good honest cop,working hard to keep the bad guys off the streets,so good,that he gives his money to the poor,while he lives in a decrepit house. He is a loner, afraid to trust anyone, thinking they might betray him.


The billionaire,is a surprising good guy,who wants to help humanity,and mostly the poor and the ones treated unfairly. He might have a dark secret,though.


The movie even made me laugh a few times due to the things they were saying and doing at the same time.


The movie has this cool animation with the credits at the end.


The movie is distributed by Netflix,and is streaming exclusively on the platform.


Rating : It's so money!