Man bait

Year of release : 1952


Run time : 1h19min


Genre : Film Noir


Cast : Diana Dors



As a British production,the movie is known as The Last Page in England.


Ruby Bruce,who works at a book store as a clerk,catches a man trying to steal a very rare and expensive book. Instead of telling on him,she actually befriends him.


Due to the fact Ruby is always late,her boss is always asking her into his office to scold her,hoping she won't do it again,warning her it would be the last time he gives her a pass.

One night,having to work late,she tears off her new blouse,and for some unknown reason,her boss gives her money to buy herself a new one.

She tells this to her new man friend,who only wants to use her,so he tells her to blackmail the poor man,to get more money from him.

At first it doesn't work,but after sending a letter to the man's invalid wife,the man gives her the money.


The movie was good, but I found the two scheming leads annoying,as one should,I guess.

The acting was good.

I didn't like the soundtrack,but I don't like the soundtrack of old movies,as I find it loud and obnoxious.


You can watch the full movie for free here :



Rating : Worth a watch !