
Year of release : 2022


Run time : 1h25min


Genre : Horror



Laura is a drug addict and alcoholic. She can't function without her morning cocaine sniffs,that she put in her nose drops bottle,and vodka shots.


At work she has a really nice boss ( who notices Laura has been sick for a very long time,as her nose is running), whom she snaps at for being nice and wanting to help.


Laura seems to have a condition in which she snaps at whoever is nice to her, as if she doesn't want friends.


One morning, after she spent her whole night inhaling more and more coke, and drinking vodka, she collapses. Seemingly dead, a black goo is coming towards her, bringing her back.


Her mother calls her wanting to reconnect,after 20 years of no word from her.


As something black comes out of her nose,and not only,scared for what is happening to her, she decides to go back to the village she came from, where only bad memories of her mother haunt her.


Laura notices people in the village didn't age, and her mother who is 80 looks 40.


Her mother seems to have the same anger problem she has, as she keeps on trying to drug her for some reason, and makes a lot of noise in the morning, to wake her up.

Unluckily for her mother, Laura is also an anorexic, and she self-induces vomiting to get rid of food,so she can't be drugged.

Her mother keeps on insisting Laura drinks a big glass of water before going to bed ( who does that? unless they want to wake up at night to go to the bathroom!),which Laura does, and then wakes up in the garden, as her mother dragged her there, lying to her she sleepwalked.


The actors were all fine. The movie is labeled a horror, but I don't quite see it as such.


I personally didn't like the movie,one,because substance and alcohol abuse movies aren't my thing,and two, because not much happens, and the movie trailer hints at her mother being possessed,which is not the case, so the movie was mislabeled.


Viewer discretion is advised as it has nudity, substance and alcohol abuse.


Matriarch is a Hulu production and it streams on the platform.


Rating : Could have been a contender !