Men in Black : International

Year of release : 2019


Run time : 155min


Genre : Sci Fi / Action / Adventure / Comedy


Cast : Chris Hemsworth, Tessa Thompson, Liam Neeson, Emma Thompson, Rebecca Ferguson



The movie is based on the Men in Black comics created and written by Lowell Cunningham,and illustrated by Sandy Carruthers, first published in 1990.


Molly was always fascinated with space. In 1996,she sees the Men in Black erasing her parents' memory after an alien entered their house. Ever since, she tried to get into the Men in Black office,just that nobody knows it exists.


She tracks aliens down, and that's how she finds the office. Agent O agrees to offer her a probation period with the office, after they tried to neuralyze her. She sends her to the London office, where she meets agent High T,who saved the world with agent H,once. Agent H is sloppy, doesn't care about his job anymore, and seems to be there just so he can have a paycheck.


During a night out with an alien,the alien is injured and killed by the Twins(Beyonce's dancers), pure energy aliens. Before dying, Vungus, the alien, gives M a crystal she has to protect,as he doesn't trust H anymore.


Thinking Vungus was betrayed by one of the MIB agents, High T demotes H to a desk job, while assigning agents M and C to investigate. Agent C seems suspicious.

Agent H convinces M to join him to Marrakesh following a lead.


Although I liked the previous movies, I never liked the aliens created and the visual effects,which always looked very bad. This one doesn't disappoint either in this department,as the aliens are ugly and look computer made.

Pretty much everything looks CGI,even the landscapes,to the point I wondered if they even filmed on location, or against the green / blue screen, the way they do with all Marvel movies.


Agent H is stupid,and everyone finds him attractive. Everyone except for me. What is it with Chris Hemsworth that he keeps on accepting stupid roles,like the one in Ghostbusters, Thor (he used to be smart in that one,no more,since Tessa,agent M,in this one,joined).


Molly just seemed smug, especially at the beginning of the movie, and when they finally accept her,which made her unlikeable. She always knows how to solve the case,she is smart, and saves everyone. Unlike agent H.


The acting was fine, my favorites were Emma Thompson and Rebecca Ferguson.


I don't remember the soundtrack,but since it didn't bother me, I guess it was fine.


The movie is streaming on FuboTv, Hulu, Starz on AppleTv, and is for rent / buy on Amazon, Apple Tv, Google Play, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Could have been a contender !