Midnight in the switchgrass

Year of release : 2021


Run time : 1h39min


Genre : Crime / Thriller


Cast : Bruce Willis, Megan Fox, Emile Hirsch



Megan and Bruce play two FBI agents who try to catch a serial killer. Megan is undercover,pretending to be an underage prostitute,as the serial killer likes them young.


At the same time, we see the serial killer getting his new victim,a girl who was drugged at a party.


Megan is tough until she gets caught by having something slipped into her drink. You'd think being an FBI agent she'd know better than to drink something a stranger gave her.


Once in the killer's layer she doesn't do much,just convinces the kidnapped girl to escape..other than that,she's not so tough anymore,just lets the criminal abuse her ,instead of trying to escape and beat him up.


The lines are so bad..so is the acting. The only ones who were good were Megan,Machine Gun Kelly and Emile. Bruce Willis,a talented actor, didn't give a you know what in this one.


The movie is for rent or buy on Amazon Prime Video, Apple iTunes, DIRECTV, Google Play Movies, Microsoft Store, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : The horror ,The HORROR !