Monster in law

Year of release : 2005


Run time : 1h42min


Genre : Romance / Comedy


Cast : Jane Fonda, Jennifer Lopez, Wanda Sykes, Michael Vartan



Charlie is a temp who has quite a few jobs, one being a dog walker. She also works for a doctor, and helps her friend with the catering business.


While on the beach, resting with the dogs, she sees Kevin. She then sees him again at the coffee shop she goes to. Kevin says Hi, but Charlie walks away. She then meets him again while helping her friend with the catering. This time Kevin strikes up a conversation with her.


Seeing she's got competition, Kevin's ex lies to her he's gay.


Kevin calls Charlie trying to make her go out with him but he fails miserably. He then catches her again on the beach, and she finds out he's not gay.

They start dating, and months later, Kevin takes her to meet his mother.


Viola Fields is a big time talk show host who is getting fired for a younger host to replace her. She has a nervous breakdown, and moths later, when she's out of the mental institution, Kevin brings Charlie to meet her.

Viola is not pleased that her 35 year old son has a girlfriend,as she wanted to finally go to Africa with him, a trip he wanted to take ever since he was a kid. So, she tries her best to break them apart. She starts with throwing an engagement party for the two, in an attempt to make Charlie see she doesn't belong in their world.


The movie had a good plot, most of the actors did a good job. Jane Fonda and Wanda Sykes are a joy to watch, Jennifer Lopez is at the opposite pole,the whole time I felt like I should help her act,and was thinking of how she should have acted in the scene .


The movie had beautiful sceneries, houses, interior design, and dresses.


The movie is streaming on Netflix.


Rating : Worth a watch !