
Year of release : 2022


Run time : 2h11min


Genre : Sci Fi


Cast : Halle Berry, Patrick Wilson, John Bradley


Director : Roland Emmerich



While on a mission to space to fix a broken satellite,the team of three astronauts are hit by what seems to be a sort of mechanic swarm. One of them is lost in space,while the others manage to get back to earth.

Although the one who was working on the satellite with the astronaut lost in space,tells NASA what he saw,nobody believes him. His career is ruined because he doesn't want to lie.


Ten years later,the moon is off its course,as the mechanic swarm seems to have been drilled a whole into it,making its way inside.


John Bradley plays a character who is a genius although nobody believes him. He thinks the moon is an artificial satellite ,put in place by the aliens who created the human race.


In order to show us what's happening on earth, the movie has these kids ( Halle Berry's character's and Patrick Wilson's ) and a nanny,trying to get to safety,and honestly,I didn't care for them. I found myself wondering why are they in the movie,and then came to the conclusion it was so we could see the destruction of earth through their eyes.


The movie had me going for a while,but then lost my interest as nothing made sense.


The actors were fine,but somehow boring, John Bradley was fun,and the best.


The visual effects were mostly good,other times not so much..




The artificial moon created earth by spinning senselessly,billion of years ago.

Although artificial, still influences life on earth,like tides and whatnot.

Then the moon also has artificial intelligence in it,is like a space ship.


Rating : Could have been a contender !