Moonlight in Vermont

Year of release : 2017


Run time : 1h26min


Genre : Romance



Fiona is a great realtor who is always very busy and on the run. Her boyfriend is breaking up with her ,after she blows off his twice a year office party to show a client who leaves town when they're supposed to see the house,the house they were interested in.


Fiona's father's friend who is merging two companies, wants her to run his firm new real estate arm of banking interest,and Fiona asks him to take some time off to think about it, retreating to her father's Vermont inn,as she says she likes things just the way they are,being her own boss.


Fiona is still bitter with her father,as he sold her childhood home,the apartment they lived in overlooking Central Park,when her mother was alive. The moment her mother died,he sold it and bought this inn,and Fiona never forgave him that. Five years later he's married to another woman,Fiona calls step mom.


Fiona meets the chef of the inn,with whom she is butting heads,as from the first moment she sees him,she trashes his mushroom stash thinking it's garbage ( although,I don't know how can one take big mushrooms for garbage, which she destroys with her boots,making more garbage,genius!).

She comes across as a ridiculous woman from the city who doesn't know anything about anything but thinks she does.


When she meets her ex with his new girlfriend (they've been separated for 23 days ,and Fiona is still in mourning),who booked a room at her father's inn,she lies to them she is dating Derek,the chef she can't stand.

Derek hears her the second time she lies about them dating,and after Fiona promises to make the old farm owner who has a lot of land for sale for some time,to sell to him ( as the old man refuses) the land to grow his vegetables on,he accepts pretending to be her boyfriend.


The movie was surprisingly good,I even laughed at something they said or did ( don't remember exactly).

The actors were fine, I saw one who didn't use to be so good at acting ( her father-saw him in a few movies prior to this one),but he got better in this one.


You can watch the full movie here for free



Rating : Worth a watch !